Quantum Sensing in the Perspectives of Real-Life Applications

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  • Sergey Borisenok Abdullah Gül University


Quantum Sensors, Sensing Implementation, Fidelity, Quantum Control, Nitrogen-Vacancy-Cavity Sensors, Superconducting Qubits


Amazing developing of different fundamental and applied areas of quantum science created an ‘explosion’ of alternative paradigms, theoretical methods, experimental approaches and numerical tools. For any particular area, for instance, quantum sensing, a researcher or an engineer who want to get a basic knowledge on the subject can feel lost facing the exponentially extending number of publications in the given field. From one hand, now there is no need to explain the importance of the new generation of quantum devices: the accuracy and fidelity of quantum sensors to compare with their classical physics-based competitors is totally out of discussion. From another hand, observing so many different types of quantum sensors, and so many protocols of sensing, ones can ask themselves: which type of sensor or of protocol should I chose for my practical purpose? The researchers may ask themselves: which types of quantum devices have the best perspective in particular real-life applications, and which of them have rather an academic interest? Here we develop an objective approach to evaluate quantum sensor perspectives in different real-life applications and to provide a guiding thread via the Minotaur labyrinth of different quantum approaches to the most appropriate ones. First, we give a brief review of the most prominent quantum sensor prototypes that we have now in the market. Then, we discuss pros and cons of them in the perspective of real-life application. As a matter of our particular research interest, we also observe some control methods to improve the quantum sensing implementation for different sensor types.


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Author Biography

Sergey Borisenok, Abdullah Gül University

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,  Kayseri, Türkiye

Feza Gürsey Center for Physics and Mathematics, Boğaziçi University, İstanbul, Türkiye


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How to Cite

Borisenok, S. (2024). Quantum Sensing in the Perspectives of Real-Life Applications . International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(10), 288–293. Retrieved from https://as-proceeding.com/index.php/ijanser/article/view/2242


