Data on the ticks spread in dog’s in Albania

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  • Bejo Bizhga Agriculture University of Tirana
  • Erinda Lika Agriculture University of Tirana
  • Ramiz Metaliaj Agricultural University of Tirana
  • Jetmira Abeshi Agriculture University of Tirana
  • Elenica Dimço Agriculture University of Tirana
  • Enkeleda Ozuni Agriculture University of Tirana
  • Laert Memushi Agriculture University of Tirana
  • Arben Kambo Agricultural University of Tirana


Dog, Region, Ticks, Species


Ticks were collected and identified from dogs in veterinary clinics across Albania as part of the project "Mapping and assessment of tick habitats in Albania and PCR-based determination of pathogens they carry," funded by AKKSHI. A total of 637 specimens were collected, all of which had the morphological features necessary for taxonomic identification. Ticks were evaluated in the following regions: 148 ticks (84 in summer and 64 in autumn) in the Shkodra region, 214 ticks (133 in summer and 81 in autumn) in the Tirana region, 105 ticks (62 in summer and 43 in autumn) in the Korça region, and 170 ticks (92 in summer and 78 in autumn) in the Vlorë region. Ticks were collected using tweezers from the animals' bodies and placed in tubes with ethanol (or methanol) at 70-96%. Details regarding both the veterinary clinic and animals sampled were recorded. The collection of ticks in all four regions took place between March-June and September-October of 2024. Species identification was carried out in the Laboratory of Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine by using a digital stereomicroscopy examination, following a provided key. In total five genera of ticks were identified in Albania: Ixodes, Hyalomma, Rhipicephalus, Haemaphysalis, and Dermacentor. Of the various ixodid tick species, 10 were found to parasitize dogs with owners.


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Author Biographies

Bejo Bizhga, Agriculture University of Tirana

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Albania

Erinda Lika, Agriculture University of Tirana

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Albania

Ramiz Metaliaj, Agricultural University of Tirana

Faculty of Forest Science, Albania

Jetmira Abeshi, Agriculture University of Tirana

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Albania

Elenica Dimço, Agriculture University of Tirana

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Albania

Enkeleda Ozuni, Agriculture University of Tirana

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Albania

Laert Memushi, Agriculture University of Tirana

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Albania

Arben Kambo, Agricultural University of Tirana

Faculty of Economics and Agribusiness, Albania


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How to Cite

Bizhga, B., Lika, E., Metaliaj, R., Abeshi, J., Dimço, E., Ozuni, E., Memushi, L., & Kambo, A. (2024). Data on the ticks spread in dog’s in Albania. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(10), 302–308. Retrieved from


