Statistical Evaluation of Aviation Outcomes According to Economic, Tourism and Life Satisfaction Indexes: Turkey Application

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  • Ukbe UÇAR Fırat University


Sustainable Aviation, Statistical Analysis, Aviation Sector, Performance Indicator, Correlation


Turkey is an intercontinental transfer point with its geopolitical location and advanced airport infrastructures. Thanks to its strong airline companies, Turkey flies to many destinations around the world and provides significant economic gains. For these reasons, there are many factors affecting the aviation sector, which has a strategic importance. For a developed, strong and dynamic aviation sector, it is of great importance to analyse these factors correctly and to establish a sustainable aviation system. In this paper, according to TUIK data, airline statistics in Turkey are evaluated according to tourism, economy and life satisfaction indices. The impact of tourist trips, economic conditions and people's happiness levels on the aviation sector has been investigated by statistical analysis and the correlation between them has been determined. In the study, 28 different indicators were taken into account and the SPSS program was used in the application study. In the analysis between 2012 and 2023, it was determined that there is a high correlation between the total number of passengers, tourist trips and tourist expenditures. In addition, there is a high correlation between the dollar exchange rate and the travel expenditures of the citizens residing in the country and there is a high correlation between the length of stay of tourists and the number of trips made by plane. In addition, the aviation sector has been analyzed with different inferences on many issues and suggestions have been made for its development. The results show that the aviation sector is of strategic importance.


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Author Biography

Ukbe UÇAR, Fırat University

Department of Aircraft Maintenance and Repair/School of Aviation, Turkey


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How to Cite

UÇAR, U. (2024). Statistical Evaluation of Aviation Outcomes According to Economic, Tourism and Life Satisfaction Indexes: Turkey Application. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(10), 322–328. Retrieved from


