Fracture Toughness, Hardness, and Impact Strength of Basalt Fiber Reinforced Engineered Cementitious Composites

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  • Shahir Ahmad Safi University of Engineering and Technology (UET)
  • Ali Raza University of Engineering and Technology (UET)
  • Mujib Ul Rahman Rahmani University of Engineering and Technology (UET)


Engineered Cementitious Composites, Micro-Basalt Fibers, Nano-Titania, Hardness, Impact Strength


The Engineered Cementitious Composites (ECC) mortars are the most suitable alternatives for cement in the concrete industry in developing sustainable and environmentally friendly construction. Therefore, for the practical applications of fiber-reinforced (FRF) ECC mortars, it is essential to increase the mechanical and microstructural behavior of FRF-ECC mortars utilizing micro-fibers and nano-particles. The present study has struggled to ameliorate the fracture and impact behavior of micro basalt-FRF fly ash based ECC mortars by adding different amounts of nano-Titania. Four different dosages of Titania (varying between 1% and 4%) of the mortar are used to manufacture ECC mortars comprising 2 wt.% of micro basalt fibers (MBF). For a comparative assessment, a control model with 2% MBF having no dosage of Titania is also manufactured. The outcomes of the current study displayed that the use of 3% Titania in micro basalt-FRF-ECC mortar improved the hardness, impact strength, and fracture toughness by 17.1%, 54.3%, and 25%, respectively. Consequently, the usage of Titania is operative in the enhancement of the mechanical and fracture behavior of FRF-ECC mortar. These bands appear larger and more pronounced in specimens containing additivesthis could be due to the high content of water within ECC network, which could affect the strength.


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Author Biographies

Shahir Ahmad Safi, University of Engineering and Technology (UET)

Department of Civil Engineering, Taxila, 47050, Pakistan

Ali Raza, University of Engineering and Technology (UET)

Department of Civil Engineering, Taxila, 47050, Pakistan

Mujib Ul Rahman Rahmani, University of Engineering and Technology (UET)

Department of Civil Engineering, Taxila, 47050, Pakistan


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How to Cite

Safi, S. A., Raza, A., & Rahmani, M. U. R. (2024). Fracture Toughness, Hardness, and Impact Strength of Basalt Fiber Reinforced Engineered Cementitious Composites. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(11), 13–19. Retrieved from


