Impact of Dynamic Pricing on Consumer Behavior and Market Competition under Digital Transformation

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  • Sahar Yass Al-Asady
  • Wafaa Abdulridha Abed
  • Hawraa Neamah Sadeq
  • Akeel Almagtome University of Kufa


AI-Driven Pricing, Dynamic Pricing, Machine Learning In Pricing, Revenue Optimization, Pricing Strategies


Integrating AI into various businesses has attracted much attention regarding its use in pricing
tactics. This article explores AI-driven pricing techniques, focusing on dynamic pricing and its significant
impact on consumer behavior and market competition. Facilitated by sophisticated machine learning
algorithms, dynamic pricing allows for real-time adjustments based on various variables, including demand,
competitive pricing, and market trends. This research examines the complex effects of AI-driven dynamic
pricing on customer behavior, focusing on how personalized and context-sensitive pricing influences
purchasing choices. Additionally, we examine the effects of dynamic pricing on market competitiveness,
assessing its ability to enhance revenue for organizations while maintaining fair and transparent procedures.
Through case studies from several sectors, we seek to explore the effectiveness of AI-driven pricing models
and their impact on market dynamics. This study discusses the intersection of AI, pricing strategies, and
market dynamics by comprehensively examining current literature, empirical investigations, and practical
applications. The findings presented here provide important insights for academics, practitioners, and
policymakers addressing the changing dynamics of AI in pricing and enhancing understanding of its
implications for consumer decisions and competitive market conditions. The paper demonstrates the
influence of price dynamics on consumer behavior, contributing to the scholarly discourse on incorporating
AI into business frameworks, especially on dynamic pricing tactics in competitive marketplaces. It offers
pragmatic recommendations for enterprises to enhance real-time pricing strategies by acknowledging the
significance of market competition and consumer preferences while emphasizing the potential risks of
elevated customer price sensitivity in dynamic pricing scenarios.


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Author Biographies

Sahar Yass Al-Asady

Accounts Department/Directorate General of Education in Al-Najaf Governorate, Iraq

Wafaa Abdulridha Abed

Accounts Department/Directorate General of Education in Al-Najaf Governorate, Iraq

Hawraa Neamah Sadeq

Accounts Department/Directorate General of Education in Al-Najaf Governorate, Iraq

Akeel Almagtome , University of Kufa

Department of Accounting/Faculty of Administration and Economics, Iraq


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How to Cite

Al-Asady, S. Y., Abed, W. A., Sadeq, H. N., & Almagtome , A. (2024). Impact of Dynamic Pricing on Consumer Behavior and Market Competition under Digital Transformation . International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(11), 117–125. Retrieved from


