Climate Adaptation in Traditional Housing in the Algerian Sahara: A Manifestation of Ingenuity in Ksour and a Climate Challenge

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  • Dr. Moufida SEBTI Biskra University
  • Dr. Faten GHANEMI Biskra University
  • Pr. Djamel ALKAMA 8 May Guelma1945 University


Climate Adaptation, Traditional Housing, The Ksour, Algerian Sahara, Ingenuity


It is widely acknowledged that architecture and urban spaces can be designed in harmony with the climate. Traditional housings were the precursors of bioclimatic architecture, displaying human adaptation to the environment across the globe: troglodyte housings in China, Spain, and Egypt; bamboo huts in Southeast Asia; igloos in the Arctic; tipis among Native Americans; and Russian izbas. Primitive humans sought to adapt to the climate using very limited materials and techniques, facing the challenge of designing climate-responsive architecture. Traditional Housing in the Algerian Sahara, demonstrate this adaptation to the physical environment and protection against undesirable climatic factors. This study examines the climate adaptation strategies employed in traditional housing within the Algerian Sahara, particularly focusing on the ksour (fortified villages). These settlements exemplify ingenuity in responding to the region's harsh climatic conditions through various levels of adaptation have enabled these Saharan settlements to create spaces suited to harsh climatic conditions, including the compact urban forms, the street system, the parceling system, façades, efficient shading, natural ventilation, and locally sourced materials. These adaptations reflect an optimal expression of habitat, leveraging the climate through bioclimatic principles. By analyzing design principles and architectural practices, the research highlights how ksour architecture balances thermal comfort and energy efficiency while addressing environmental challenges. The findings underscore the relevance of these traditional solutions in guiding sustainable urban design in hot and arid regions today.


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Author Biographies

Dr. Moufida SEBTI , Biskra University

Architecture Department, Lacamofa laboratory, Algeria

Dr. Faten GHANEMI , Biskra University

Architecture Department, Lacamofa laboratory, Algeria

Pr. Djamel ALKAMA , 8 May Guelma1945 University

Architecture Department, Algeria


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How to Cite

SEBTI , D. M., GHANEMI , D. F., & ALKAMA , P. D. (2024). Climate Adaptation in Traditional Housing in the Algerian Sahara: A Manifestation of Ingenuity in Ksour and a Climate Challenge. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(11), 142–150. Retrieved from


