Adaptive Video Streaming with AI-Based Optimization for Dynamic Network Conditions

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  • Mohammad Tarik Mohammad University of Mosul
  • Qutaiba I. Ali University of Mosul


Adaptive Video Stream, AI, Datarate, Latency, Gimini


The increase in video streaming has presented a challenge in handling stream requests effectively, especially over variable networks. This paper describes a new adaptive video streaming architecture capable of changing the video quality and buffer size depending on the data and latency of streamed video, for video streaming VLC media player was used where network performance data were obtained through Python scripts with very accurate data rate and latency measurement. The collected data is analyzed using Gemini AI, containing characteristics of the machine learning algorithm that recognizes the best resolution of videos and the buffer sizes. Through the features of real-time monitoring and artificial intelligence decision making, the proposed framework improves the user experience by reducing the occurrence of buffering events while at the same time increasing the video quality. Our findings confirm that the proposed solution based on artificial intelligence increases video quality and flexibility. This study advances knowledge of adaptive streaming and offers an argument about how intelligent data driven approaches and AI may be useful tools for enhancing the delivery of video in practical environments.


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Author Biographies

Mohammad Tarik Mohammad, University of Mosul

Computer Engineering Department,Iraq

Qutaiba I. Ali , University of Mosul

Computer Engineering Department,Iraq.


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How to Cite

Mohammad, M. T., & Ali , Q. I. (2024). Adaptive Video Streaming with AI-Based Optimization for Dynamic Network Conditions . International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(11), 202–212. Retrieved from


