Mathematical Modeling for Network Upgrades in Internet Service Provider Infrastructure

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  • Omar M. Malallah University of Zakho
  • Qutaiba I. Ali University of Mosul


Mathematical Modeling, Network Performance, Network Upgrades, Bandwidth Utilization, Scalability Analysis


The ongoing growth of the need for superior Internet services creates great pressure on the ISPs as to the accurate estimation of network upgrade need. The following work introduces a mathematical modeling methodology that can assist in assessing network performance and identifying scenarios that require additional investment in network facilities. Bandwidth usage, server load, delay factors and throughput are evaluated for estimating the effect of different traffic conditions on the effectiveness of the network. This paper’s simulations prove the model’s usefulness in pinpointing such thresholds so that ISPs can prepare their upgrades and prevent performance constrictions on schedule. The results raise awareness of how higher resource efficiency and service provision can be attained through focused resource management and prevention or risk planning. This studies’ contribution, thus, is in offering mathematical solutions to the ISPs that they can deploy to manage their operations, address the dynamic customer expectations, and deal with the complexities that continue to characterize the digital environment.


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Author Biographies

Omar M. Malallah, University of Zakho

Computer Science Dept./College of Science, Iraq

Qutaiba I. Ali, University of Mosul

Department of Computer Engineering/College of Engineering, Iraq


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How to Cite

Malallah, O. M., & Ali, Q. I. (2024). Mathematical Modeling for Network Upgrades in Internet Service Provider Infrastructure . International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(11), 256–267. Retrieved from


