Palynological study of spores of the species Selaginella denticulata L, (Selaginellaceae Willk) in Albania

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  • A. Golloshi University of Tirana
  • G. Kapidani University of Tirana
  • M. Meço University of Tirana
  • B. Pupuleku University “Aleksander Xhuvani”
  • N. Kallajxhiu University “Aleksander Xhuvani”
  • A. Dauti University “Aleksander Xhuvani”
  • A. Jançe University “Aleksander Xhuvani”


Selaginella, Microspore Grains, Aperture, Exine


Selaginella denticulate L. (Selaginellaceae) is a heterosporous herbaceous plant. The article provides data on the morphological study of the microspores of this species from our country. At the same time, we compare the palynological data of our species with those obtained from the literature. The microspores are of the triradiate type, with circular to triangular contours. The perispore is not developed. The exine is with verrucate formations and is about 2 µm thick. The aperture is triradiate or trilete with wavy edges. There is no data on this species in the local palynological literature. Through this study, more information is provided on the morphological features of the microspore grains of this species from our country compared to those in the literature. The material for the study was taken fresh in the Saranda area, south Albania. The study was done with a Motic BA310 light microscope with 400x and 1000x magnification.


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Author Biographies

A. Golloshi , University of Tirana

FNS, Department of Biology, Tirana, Albania

G. Kapidani , University of Tirana

 FNS, Department of Biology, Tirana, Albania

M. Meço , University of Tirana

FNS, Department of Biology, Tirana, Albania

B. Pupuleku , University “Aleksander Xhuvani”

FNS, Department of Biology and Chemistry, Elbasan, Albania

N. Kallajxhiu , University “Aleksander Xhuvani”

FNS, Department of Biology and Chemistry, Elbasan, Albania

A. Dauti , University “Aleksander Xhuvani”

FNS, Department of Biology and Chemistry, Elbasan, Albania

A. Jançe , University “Aleksander Xhuvani”

FNS, Department of Biology and Chemistry, Elbasan, Albania


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How to Cite

Golloshi , A., Kapidani , G., Meço , M., Pupuleku , B., Kallajxhiu , N., Dauti , A., & Jançe , A. (2024). Palynological study of spores of the species Selaginella denticulata L, (Selaginellaceae Willk) in Albania . International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(11), 409–414. Retrieved from


