An Evaluation on the Impact of Research and Development Activities on the Transformation of Public Administration

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  • Alper KARADEMİR Aksaray University
  • Metin KARADEMİR Aksaray University


R&D, Innovation, Budget Managing, Public Sector, Public Administration


Recently, there has been a significant increase in the attention devoted to the intersection of research and development (R&D) and public administration as this factor is crucial to the delivery of effective services to the public. The purpose of research and development (R&D) activities is not solely to advance technology; they also serve as a catalyst for the transformation of government administration by creating innovative solutions to address complex social issues. As governments increasingly rely on R&D to augment service delivery mechanisms, it's important to consider how this contributes to the ongoing evolution of public services. As a result, this investigation attempts to explore the procedures by which research and development activities lead to the creation of new technologies and methods that improve the efficiency of public services, this enables the administration to respond more effectively to the evolving needs of the public. Specifically, examples like the emerging concept of smart cities demonstrate how research and development outcomes can help facilitate public services, including enhanced transportation, energy management, and environmental protection, all of which ultimately improve the quality of life of city residents. Additionally, the investigation attempts to assess the larger impact of R&D on the utilization of public resources, it demonstrates how innovative solutions not only enhance the allocation of resources, but also increase citizen satisfaction and participation. Through a comprehensive study of the various aspects of R&D that affect public administration, this research aims to demonstrate the crucial role of constant innovation in the creation of effective government and the delivery of superior public services. As a result, it underscores the importance of continued investment in R&D initiatives within the public sector.


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Author Biographies

Alper KARADEMİR, Aksaray University

Politics and Public Administration/ Faculty of economics and administrative sciences, Turkey

Metin KARADEMİR, Aksaray University

Bussines Administration/ Faculty of economics and administrative sciences, Turkey


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How to Cite

KARADEMİR, A., & KARADEMİR, M. (2024). An Evaluation on the Impact of Research and Development Activities on the Transformation of Public Administration . International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(11), 600–610. Retrieved from


