Enhancing Lifetime Protection of Civil Structures with Coating Modification using Rice Husk Ash at Integrated Terminal Balongan
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Civil Structure, Rice Husk Ask, Coating Modification, Enhancing Life Time ProtectionAbstract
PT Pertamina Patra Niaga West Java Region is an investment implementation function
based on the budget written in RKAP of each period. The investments carried out are spread in each
work location at Jakarta, Banten and West Java. Integrated Terminal Balongan is one of the Main
Transit Fuel Terminals in the Pertamina Patra Niaga – West Java Region. Based on the pareto diagram
analysis, the main cause for the short lifetime protection of civil structures at Integrated Terminal
Balongan was the the mismatch between the design and the actual conditions in the field. To overcome
this problem, Coating modification using Rice Husk Ask is determined as alternative solution of
common coating of civil structures. By applying this alternative solution, the Quality of Civil Structure
(lifetime) increased from 2 years to 4,8 years, reducing construction cost 18,4% (IDR 40.470 / m2) and
in addition, the acceleration of the work of construction of civil structure coating is as much as 4
Calendar Days (curing time)
This innovation has been endorsed by an external party, PT Surveyor Indonesia, PT. Sucofindo and
Institut Teknologi Bandung. Replication has been carried out for the Fuel Terminal PT. Pertamina
Patra Niaga – West Java Region and Regional Sulawesi.
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