Impact of Bulbous Bow Geometry on Ship Resistance: A Numerical Study

Ship Resistance, Bulbous Bow, Series 60, Partially Parametric Modelling Genetic AlgorithmAbstract
This paper presents a numerical investigation into the effects of different bulbous bow forms on a ship's total resistance using Computational Fluid Dynamics. As a preliminary optimization study, various bulbous bow designs were generated through a Genetic Algorithm to identify the geometric features of the bow form that achieves the greatest reduction in total resistance. Unlike conventional empirical and experimental methods for bulbous bow design, the ship's bow form in this study was partially parameterized using Non-Uniform Rational Basis Splines (NURBS). Based on the defined parameters, forms generated and optimized using the NSGA-II algorithm were analyzed with CFD and evaluated in terms of resistance performance. The results revealed that resistance reduction varies with the geometric characteristics of the bulb, with the bulb's length emerging as the most influential parameter within the explored design space.
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