Some Biological Aspects of the Common sole, Solea solea (Linnaeus, 1758) from the SE Black Sea, Türkiye

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  • Tuncay Yeşilçiçek Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University


biological parameters, condition factor, growth type, sex and size composition, Sole solea, Black Sea


This study presents some basic biological parameters of Common sole (Sole solea) which was obtained as by-catch from small-scale trammel net fishery along Rize coasts in the SE Black Sea. Fish samples were captured using trammel nets with various mesh sizes from January 2023 to December 2023. A total of 325 individuals (195 females and 130 males) ranging from 12.3 cm to 22.5 cm TL (mean 15.74±0.114 cm) with body weight varying from 13.25g to 109.73 g (mean 36.10±0.971 g) were sampled during the study. The sex ratio was calculated as 1.50:1.00 in favor of females that significantly deviated from the expected ratio of 1:1 (χ² test, p<0.05). The length-weight relationships (LWRs) were determined as W=0.005TL3.196 for females, W= 0.006TL3.153 for males and W=0.055TL3.166 for combined sex. The b values of the LWRs were significantly different from the isometric growth indicating (+) allometric growth across all sexes. The regression analysis revealed that the total length and weight was highly correlated (r2>0.9). Fulton's condition factor (K) values varied from 0.704 to 1.1.145 (mean 0.868± 0.006) in females and from 0.735 to 1.092 (mean 0.879±0.006) in males. The current study will provide a scientific dataset for the fisheries management authority and fisheries scientists for further investigations and comparisons on the species. Furthermore, the reported results will contribute to the conservation and sustainability of this species in the Black Sea.


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Author Biography

Tuncay Yeşilçiçek, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University

Faculty of Fisheries Department of Fishing Technology, Türkiye


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How to Cite

Yeşilçiçek, T. (2024). Some Biological Aspects of the Common sole, Solea solea (Linnaeus, 1758) from the SE Black Sea, Türkiye . International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(11), 943–952. Retrieved from


