Trace fossils of the Maastrichtian phosphate series of the Agadir Basin, Western High Atlas, Morocco
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Ichnofacies, Paleoenvironment, Maastrichtian, High Atlas, MoroccoAbstract
The study of the Maastrichtian epoch within the Agadir basin, situated in the Western High
Atlas region of Morocco, has brought to light an abundance of distinct trace fossils scattered throughout
the investigated section. This research places a particular emphasis on the identification of trace fossils,
also known as ichnofacies—an important concept in the field of geology and paleontology. Ichnofacies
plays a crucial role in understanding past environments by studying the fossilized traces left behind by
living organisms. Essentially, ichnofacies refer to the specific set of fossilized traces found in a given
geological or paleontological setting.
Within the Maastrichtian phosphate series of our study area, a remarkably diverse assortment of trace
fossils is evident. This assemblage encompasses a variety of Thalassinoïds, Arenicolites, and Lockeia
type traces, contributing to the richness of the region's paleontological findings. The ichnofacies prevalent
in this region assumes a crucial significance in determining the paleoenvironment during the
Maastrichtian epoch. Through an examination of these fossilized traces, we can glean insights into the
intricate interplay between ancient organisms and their surroundings, being able to fully understand the
ecological dynamics during the Maastrichtian.
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The book of Full Texts issued on October 20, 2023:
ISBN: 978-625-367-345-1.
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