Acoustic Urbanism: A Holistic Approach to Shaping Vibrant Cityscapes

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  • Melik Sami University of Biskra Mohamed Khider
  • Khelil Sara University of Biskra Mohamed Khider


Urban Acoustic Ecology, Noise Pollution, Sensory Urbanism, Sound Mapping, Urban Silence


As urban centers inevitably expand and progress, addressing the urgent need to reduce noise contamination while heightening the pleasing acoustics of these areas has grown increasingly imperative. "Acoustic Urbanism" emerges as a pioneering approach, focusing on the auditory experience of urban dwellers and weaving it intricately into the fabric of urban design and planning. This article comprehensively explores the principles and methodologies underpinning acoustic urbanism. By integrating strategic noise management techniques, adopting sound-absorbing materials, and leveraging state-of-the-art technologies, cities can craft an auditory environment that not only minimizes disruptions but also promotes positive acoustic experiences. Delving deep into various global case studies, this research showcases the tangible benefits and transformative potential of incorporating acoustic design principles into urban landscapes. As these cases underscore the need for cross-sector collaborations between design professionals, civic leaders, sound specialists and residents alike, so too do they emphasize embracing interdisciplinary means of tackling interconnected urban challenges. Moreover, the article underscores the broader socio-cultural and economic implications of urban soundscapes, emphasizing the necessity for inclusive and participatory design processes. Through the lens of acoustic urbanism, cities can be reimagined and redesigned to be not only less noisy but also sonically enriching, paving the way for urban environments that prioritize well-being, cultural resonance, and sustainable living.


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Author Biographies

Melik Sami, University of Biskra Mohamed Khider

Department of Architecture, Faculty of Science and Technology, LaCoMoFa Laboratory Biskra,,Algeria

Khelil Sara, University of Biskra Mohamed Khider

Department of Architecture, Faculty of Science and Technology, LaCoMoFa Laboratory Biskra,,Algeria


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How to Cite

Sami, M., & Sara, K. (2025). Acoustic Urbanism: A Holistic Approach to Shaping Vibrant Cityscapes . International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 7(11), 156–167. Retrieved from


