Evolving reshaped residential landscape: A Comprehensive look at COVID-19's impacts
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Economic Slowdown, Recession, Crisis, COVID-19 Pandemic, Real Estate Assets, Construction Execution, Real Estate MarketAbstract
The crisis generated by the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the sectors of the economy
differently, if we compare the present events with those that generated the recession in the past. The real
estate market and related fields traditionally react with a gap of about 3-6 months. The "shocks" produced
in the past by the pandemics have resulted in economic slowdown, leading to changes in real estate
prices. The rhythm of construction execution has changed to a lesser extent than in 2008-2009. Trading
fell in number in the second quarter of this year. As a result of the measures taken by the authorities, there
was a sudden change in the activities of the whole economy, but also a sudden change in the lifestyle of
the population.
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