Conducted Electromagnetic Interactions in the Inverter-Cable-Machine System: A Focus on Common Mode Phenomena

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  • Houcine Miloudi Djillali Liabes University
  • Mohamed Miloudi Djillali Liabes University
  • Bendaoud Abdelber Djillali Liabes University
  • Mohammed Hamza Bermaki Djillali Liabes University
  • Abdelkader Gourbi Djillali Liabes University
  • Mohammed El Amine Lahlaci Djillali Liabes University
  • Yassine Hakmi Djillali Liabes University



EMI, EMC, Asynchronous Machine, Common Mode, High Frequency, Cable


Today’s power electronics systems increasingly rely on faster switches capable of handling higher power levels. However, the integration of these advanced components presents significant challenges in terms of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), including environmental interference and self-disturbance. In inverter-cable-machine systems, high di/dt and dv/dt rates are common. The steep current and voltage waveforms generated by these systems tend to produce conducted and/or radiated electromagnetic disturbances, which can be both disruptive and potentially destructive. To analyze the propagation paths of these currents and the levels of conducted disturbances generated by the system, precise modeling of the various components of the variable-speed drive is essential. In this study, we developed a parameter identification method for a load consisting of an asynchronous machine and its power cable. The resulting models, validated in the frequency domain, enable the identification of propagation paths for common-mode and differential-mode currents. Furthermore, these models allow for the prediction of overvoltages caused by semiconductor power switches.


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Author Biographies

Houcine Miloudi, Djillali Liabes University

APELEC Laboratory, Electrical Engineering Department, Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria

Mohamed Miloudi, Djillali Liabes University

APELEC Laboratory, Electrical Engineering Department, Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria

GIDD Laboratory, Electrical Engineering and Automation Department, Relizane University, Relizane, Algeria

Bendaoud Abdelber , Djillali Liabes University

APELEC Laboratory, Electrical Engineering Department, Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria

Mohammed Hamza Bermaki, Djillali Liabes University

APELEC Laboratory, Electrical Engineering Department, Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria

Abdelkader Gourbi, Djillali Liabes University

APELEC Laboratory, Electrical Engineering Department, Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria

Institute of Science and Applied Techniques, Ahmed Ben Bella Oran 1 University, Oran, Algeria

Mohammed El Amine Lahlaci, Djillali Liabes University

APELEC Laboratory, Electrical Engineering Department, Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria

GIDD Laboratory, Electrical Engineering and Automation Department, Relizane University, Relizane, Algeria

Yassine Hakmi, Djillali Liabes University

APELEC Laboratory, Electrical Engineering Department, Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria


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How to Cite

Miloudi, H., Miloudi, M., Abdelber , B., Bermaki, M. H., Gourbi, A., Lahlaci, M. E. A., & Hakmi, Y. (2025). Conducted Electromagnetic Interactions in the Inverter-Cable-Machine System: A Focus on Common Mode Phenomena . International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 9(2), 1–10.


