Integration of Digital Twin Technology for Water Resource Management of Smart Cities and Communities: A Narrative Review

Digital Twins, Water Resource Management, Predictive Maintenance, Smart Cities, Flood Risk AssessmentAbstract
Digital Twin (DT) technology has acquired a great amount of significance in the areas of development engineering. It is increasingly being applied to water resource management, particularly for the development and maintenance of smart cities and communities. A Digital Twin creates a real-time digital model of an existing system, contributing to the monitoring and control of a physical system and aiding in predictive maintenance by carrying out calculated decisions based on analysis. When water management is concerned, DTs offer visualization of infrastructure along with forecasting demand, monitoring water quality, and assessing flood risks that can largely contribute to improving operational efficiency, sustainability, and resilience. These systems combine real-time data and provide connectivity to the Internet of Things with advanced modelling to optimize resource use and environmental management. Certain challenges Despite the advantages given, implementing Digital Twin Technology in water systems faces several challenges. The complex integration issues of diverse systems need to be addressed in order to harness the potential of Digital Twins completely. Growing concerns about data interoperability, data privacy, and ownership arise as time passes by. They need to be resolved in order to transform water management. This review examines the applications, benefits, and challenges of Digital Twin technology in managing water resources. Simultaneously, it highlights the emerging trends as well as the future innovations that could drive future developments. It concludes by discussing the transformative role of Digital Twins in supporting the creation of smarter, more sustainable water systems and communities.
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