The use of ICT elements in a specific student environment in the pre pandemic and pandemic periods of COVID-19: A comparative study

ICT Usage, COVID-19 Pandemic, University Students, Online Education, Social Media, Health RisksAbstract
This study examines the use of ICT resources among university students, focusing on the COVID-19 pandemic and pre-pandemic periods. Findings show a significant increase in daily hours spent on digital devices for educational and leisure activities during the pandemic, with social media being the dominant platform. This surge was observed across educational and leisure activities, highlighting the pandemic's significant impact on ICT usage patterns. Social media emerged as the dominant platform, drawing the most attention from students during their leisure time. The convenience and accessibility of platforms such as these played a key role in connecting individuals, providing entertainment, and serving as an escape from the challenges of lockdowns and restrictions. The role of ICT tools in facilitating online learning during the pandemic was undeniable. They provided critical support in maintaining educational continuity and enhancing communication between students and educators. However, the increase in screen time was not without drawbacks. A considerable portion of this time was spent on non-educational activities. Mobile phones, in particular, were the most frequently used devices for leisure activities, reinforcing their status as indispensable tools in students’ daily lives.
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