Numerical Modeling of Reinforced Concrete (RC) Specimen to Simulate Bond-Slip Behavior Using ABAQUS

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Contact Cohesive Behavior, ABAQUS, Bond-Slip Behavior, Reinforced Concrete, FEA


This study presents a numerical modelling approach to investigate the bond-slip behavior of reinforced concrete (RC) specimens using the finite element analysis software ABAQUS. The paper outlines the modelling procedure and methodology employed to facilitate the analysis of the bond-slip interaction between concrete and steel reinforcement. In this study, a 10 mm steel rebar is embedded in a concrete block to simulate realistic reinforced concrete (RC) specimen behavior. Material properties for concrete grade 30, including both tension and compression behaviors as well as plasticity parameters, are carefully incorporated into the model to ensure a realistic simulation of material performance under load. The modelling approach utilizes an axisymmetric representation to reduce computational complexity while maintaining the accuracy necessary for reliable results. To accurately simulate bond-slip behavior, the Contact Cohesive Behavior (CCB) method is used. This method enables a detailed representation of the interaction between concrete and reinforcement, capturing the bond-slip mechanism that governs the transfer of stresses between the two materials. By simulating bond failure and the corresponding slip at the steel-concrete interface, this study provides insights into the effect of bond strength on overall structural behavior. The finite element model accurately replicates real-life pull-out test conditions, providing valuable data for predicting bond-slip behavior and improving the design of reinforced concrete structures.


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Author Biographies

Sana Shaukat, University of Engineering & Technology Taxila

Department of Civil Engineering, Pakistan

Muhammad Fiaz Tahir, University of Engineering & Technology Taxila

Department of Civil Engineering, Pakistan


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How to Cite

Shaukat, S., & Tahir, M. F. (2025). Numerical Modeling of Reinforced Concrete (RC) Specimen to Simulate Bond-Slip Behavior Using ABAQUS . International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 9(2), 175–180.


