Leveled Wordle Game

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  • Deniz Bora KÜÇÜK Samsun University
  • Sarp ÇOBAN Samsun University
  • Nurettin ŞENYER Samsun University
  • Recai OKTAŞ Samsun University




Game, Word Game, Wordle, Yandex Direct, Yandex Wordstat


Wordle is a word game which is a combination of Jotto, Hangman and Mastermind games. The game is in English and there is no difficulty level. In this study, the Wordle game was translated into Turkish and the difficulty level was added. Five-letter Turkish words were obtained and immoral words were removed from the data set. It was examined how often the words in the filtered data set were searched through Yandex Wordstat. Frequently searched words are grouped as easy words and rarely searched words are grouped as difficult words.


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Author Biographies

Deniz Bora KÜÇÜK, Samsun University

Software Engineering Department, Turkey

Sarp ÇOBAN, Samsun University

Software Engineering Department, Turkey

Nurettin ŞENYER, Samsun University

Software Engineering Department, Turkey

Recai OKTAŞ, Samsun University

Computer Engineering Department, Turkey


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How to Cite

KÜÇÜK, D. B., ÇOBAN, S., ŞENYER, N., & OKTAŞ, R. (2023). Leveled Wordle Game. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 7(2), 11–15. https://doi.org/10.59287/ijanser.248


