Functional diagnosis and state estimation for nonlinear systems represented by Takagi-Sugeno multi-models

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  • Kamel MERAHI Echahid Cheikh Larbi Tebessi University
  • Abdelaziz AOUICHE Echahid Cheikh Larbi Tebessi University
  • Abdelghani DJEDDI Echahid Cheikh Larbi Tebessi University



Nonlinear System, Takagi-Sugeno Multi-Model, Multi-Observer, Diagnosis, Identification, Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm, State Estimation, Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMI)


In this paper, a method of state estimation and diagnostics is implemented for the non-linear
systems. These systems are modeled using a Takagi-Sugeno multi-model with measurable decision
variables in order to be able to use a classical technique of bank of observers. First, we present the
approximation of the nonlinear model by a multi-model, and then the development of a multi-observer
allows estimating the states of the system. This type of observer is then used in bank of observers which
generate residues its analysis makes it possible to reveal the occurrence of sensor defects. Finally, this
diagnostic strategy is applied to a hydraulic system to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.


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Author Biographies

Kamel MERAHI , Echahid Cheikh Larbi Tebessi University

Department of Electrical Engineering, Algeria

Abdelaziz AOUICHE , Echahid Cheikh Larbi Tebessi University

Department of Electrical Engineering, Algeria

Abdelghani DJEDDI , Echahid Cheikh Larbi Tebessi University

Department of Electrical Engineering,Algeria


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How to Cite

MERAHI , K., AOUICHE , A., & DJEDDI , A. (2025). Functional diagnosis and state estimation for nonlinear systems represented by Takagi-Sugeno multi-models . International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 9(2), 283–291.


