The Best Software Security Practices for Internet of Things

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  • Maha Al Wahaibi Sultan Qaboos University
  • Zuhoor Al Khanjari Sultan Qaboos University



Internet of Things (IoT), Software Security, Security Model, Best Practices


The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the most modern technologies of the twenty-first century. Technology for the Internet of Things has been rapidly developed and applied, allowing for a wide range of technological advancements in various sectors of life [1]. This paper intends to explore different software security frameworks that offer recommendations for securing software, such as the IoT Security Maturity Model (SMM) and the Software Assurance Maturity Model (SAMM), Based on these frameworks, the study will identify the most effective practices for securing IoT software. Ultimately, this paper aims to provide valuable insights for software developers, security professionals, and organizations that seek to secure their IoT software and devices.


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Author Biographies

Maha Al Wahaibi, Sultan Qaboos University

Computer Science Department, Muscat, Saltant of Oman

Zuhoor Al Khanjari, Sultan Qaboos University

Computer Science Department, Muscat, Saltant of Oman


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How to Cite

Al Wahaibi, M., & Al Khanjari, Z. (2023). The Best Software Security Practices for Internet of Things. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 7(2), 16–19.


