Numerical investigation on the Effect of the Setback and the Geosynthetic Reinforcement for a strip footing on sloping ground

Bearing Capacity, Numerical Modelling, Foundation, Slope, ReinforcementAbstract
Foundations are often placed on sloping land for the construction of various structures such as buildings, transmission towers, retaining walls and bridge abutments. The stability of the foundation placed on such soils largely depends on a number of factors such as, soil friction angle, soil slope angles and loads imposed on the foundation. Moreover, recent scientific research has shown that the introduction of a single layer or several layers of geosynthetic can considerably improve the bearing capacity and reduce settlements and therefore proves to be a cost-effective solution compared to a deep foundation. In this context, the present numerical study is a contribution which permits to more understand the behavior of foundations on a slope. The results of the study show that the load-settling behavior and ultimate bearing capacity can be significantly improved by including a geogrid at an appropriate depth below the foundation. It is also shown that for both reinforced and unreinforced slopes, the bearing capacity decreases with increasing slope angle and decreasing distance from the edge of the slope. At a critical distance from the edge of the slope, the bearing capacity becomes independent of the angle of the slope. The results obtained agree well with the results of the literature. Stress contours are also plotted to understand the failure mechanism of slopes.
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