Virtual Reality Technology and Its Developments in Consumer Marketing

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  • Samrita Bhatta Selçuk University



Augmented Reality, Consumer Experience, Consumer Marketing, Virtual Reality


Virtual Reality (VR) technology has had a great impact in attracting consumers and getting their attention when it comes to marketing activities. With a special focus to consumer marketing, this article put forwards a conceptual framework for virtual reality in relation to consumer marketing. A comprehensive overview of the practices of virtual and augmented reality is also provided. Based on the framework, future challenges and opportunities opposed by virtual and augmented marketing corresponding to consumer marketing is recommended.


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Author Biography

Samrita Bhatta, Selçuk University

Production Management and Marketing Department, Institute of Social Sciences, Konya, Türkiye


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How to Cite

Bhatta, S. (2023). Virtual Reality Technology and Its Developments in Consumer Marketing . International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 7(3), 31–37.


