Extract the transfer function of the Buck converter using PLECS software

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  • Siham Aissani University 8 May 1945 of Guelma
  • Mohcene Bechouat Université de Ghardaïa
  • Moussa Sedraoui University 8 May 1945 of Guelma
  • Toufik Amieur Université de Larbi Tebessi Tebessa
  • Hakim Doghmane Université 8 Mai 1945 Guelma
  • Abdelhalim Boualleg Université 8 Mai 1945 Guelma




PV Panel, DC-DC Buck Converter, Maximum Power Point Tracking MPPT, PLECS®, Transfer Function


Due to the importance of DC-DC converters in renewable energy systems, researchers face many challenges and difficulties in designing and analyzing models of DC-DC converters and extracting their dynamic equations that are used to design the systems control unit. In this paper, the Buck converter will be modeled using PLECS software. This software facilitates and speeds up the process of modeling, getting an accurate model, and extracting the transfer function. Without effort and calculation and in a very short time and without errors, unlike other methods, the bod diagram is also extracted using MATLAB software to extract the transfer function.


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Author Biographies

Siham Aissani, University 8 May 1945 of Guelma

Département Électronique et Télécommunications, Laboratoires des Télécommunications LT, Algeria Guelma, Algeria

Mohcene Bechouat, Université de Ghardaïa

Département d’automatique et d’électromécanique, Faculté dessciences et de la technologie, Algeria

Moussa Sedraoui , University 8 May 1945 of Guelma

Département Électronique et Télécommunications, Laboratoires des Télécommunications LT, Algeria Guelma, Algeria

Toufik Amieur, Université de Larbi Tebessi Tebessa

Département de Génie Électrique, Algeria

Hakim Doghmane, Université 8 Mai 1945 Guelma

BP. 401, Algeria 24000

Abdelhalim Boualleg, Université 8 Mai 1945 Guelma

Département Automatic and Informatique/ Laboratory of Guelma LAIG, Algeria


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How to Cite

Aissani, S., Bechouat, M., Sedraoui , M., Amieur, T., Doghmane, H., & Boualleg, A. (2023). Extract the transfer function of the Buck converter using PLECS software. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 7(3), 205–208. https://doi.org/10.59287/ijanser.392


