Administrative Modular Buildings/ Co-Working Spaces. A review

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  • Klodjan Xhexhi Polis University
  • Ernest Shtepani Metropolitan Tirana University



Administrative Modular Buildings, Co-Working Spaces, Energy Efficiency, Cost Savings, Flexibility


The paper presents an analysis of the current state of administrative modular buildings and co-working spaces in some European countries and Latin America. The study provides an overview of the concept of modular buildings and co-working spaces, including their history and evolution and their energy efficiency. They also examine the benefits and drawbacks of these types of buildings, as well as the factors that contribute to their success.

The authors analyze several case studies of administrative modular buildings and co-working spaces in different European countries and Latin America, such as the UK, Germany, Slovakia, and Ukraine ending with Brazil. The paper takes into consideration the design and construction of these buildings, as well as the services and amenities they offer.

The paper also considers the impact of administrative modular buildings and co-working spaces on the environment, as well as their potential for promoting sustainable development.  The authors discuss the challenges and opportunities associated with the development of administrative modular buildings and co-working spaces and provide recommendations for future research in this area. Energy-efficient modular buildings and co-working spaces have the potential to support organizations in achieving their sustainability goals while also providing a range of benefits for employees and stakeholders.


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Author Biographies

Klodjan Xhexhi, Polis University

Applied Research Department, Faculty of Research and Development, Albania

Ernest Shtepani, Metropolitan Tirana University

Department of Architecture and Urbanism, Albania


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How to Cite

Xhexhi, K., & Shtepani, E. (2023). Administrative Modular Buildings/ Co-Working Spaces. A review. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 7(3), 257–263.


