Across-the-board over-view of solar dryers; an extensive scale renewable energy consideration for drying agricultural products

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  • Muhammad Zeeshan National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST)



Open sun drying, Renewable energy application, Solar Energy, Solar dryer


The agricultural product drying is a time-consuming and energy demanding practice. However, un-economical, and depletion of fossil fuels as well as environmental jeopardies fascinate the utilization of solar-energy as substitute source, predominantly in the emergent countries. Escalating environmental concerns prompted the use of renewable energy resources (RER’s) in the drying of agricultural foodstuffs. As a consequence, the solar-dryer (SD) is a reasonably effective approach for drying agricultural products in a highly uniform manner. However, over the last few decades, a considerable several researches have been established for the purpose of drying food and agriculture products using a SD. This review paper focuses on the substantial achievements devoted to the development of solar drying technology available today, as well as the state-of-the-art developments in solar drying. Furthermore, the comparison of advantages/disadvantages of In-direct type solar dryers (ITSDs) is also the part of this paper.


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Author Biography

Muhammad Zeeshan, National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST)

USPCSE, Islamabad, Pakistan


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How to Cite

Zeeshan, M. (2022). Across-the-board over-view of solar dryers; an extensive scale renewable energy consideration for drying agricultural products. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 6(1), 1–5.


