ChatGPT: A new study tool shaping the future for high school students

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  • Norbert Forman Budapest Business School
  • József Udvaros Budapest Business School
  • Mihály Szilárd Avornicului Budapest Business School



ChatGPT, High School Students, Study Tool, Academic Performance, Digital Resources


With the rapid progression of technology and the growing presence of natural language processing applications in everyday life, it is essential to explore how high school students engage with these tools and how they foresee their futures in light of these advancements. The goal of this study is to analyse the usage patterns and future value perceptions of ChatGPT among 70 high school students through a survey-based approach. A key finding highlights that technology has become an integral element of contemporary life, underscoring the historical relevance of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and the eagerness of the younger generation to adopt such emerging technologies. High school students utilise ChatGPT for various purposes, including academic support, social communication, and personal management, across both educational and social contexts. Moreover, the participants conveyed a positive outlook on the potential of ChatGPT to significantly impact their lives in the coming years while acknowledging possible hurdles. Based on the findings of this study, it is clear that NLP tools like ChatGPT have a crucial role in moulding the experiences and anticipations of high school students. This paper, therefore, sets the stage for additional research and development in this area.


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Author Biographies

Norbert Forman, Budapest Business School

Faculty of Finance and Accountancy, Hungary

József Udvaros , Budapest Business School

Faculty of Finance and Accountancy, Hungary

Mihály Szilárd Avornicului , Budapest Business School

Faculty of Finance and Accountancy, Hungary


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How to Cite

Forman, N., Udvaros , J., & Avornicului , M. S. (2023). ChatGPT: A new study tool shaping the future for high school students . International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 7(4), 95–102.


