Investıgation of Drying Methods of Tarhana Produced in Çankırı Region by Taguchi Method

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  • Rana Başataç Çankırı Karatekin University
  • Zehra Gülten Yalçın Çankırı Karatekin University
  • Fatma Jale Gülen YTÜ University



Tarhana, Drying, Microwave, Taguchi Modelling, Physical and Chemical Properties


In this study, the drying behaviour of tarhana consumed in Çankırı region was investigated with various drying methods and optimum drying conditions were determined using experimental Taguchi design method. Solar, conventional oven and microwave oven methods were used for drying purposes. Different temperatures and microwave powers were used in the ovens and tarhana was also dried under sun light. The effective drying parameters were examined concerning the tarhana in the thickness and varying drying period. The data obtained were subjected to variance analysis. Statistical significance was determined in terms of strength, temperature, thickness and time parameters. Conventional oven drying optimization was found to be more successful with the lower p value than 0.01. After drying, tarhana was analysed from humidity, ash, protein and colour values. The results were evaluated for the solar, oven or microwave dried samples.


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Author Biographies

Rana Başataç , Çankırı Karatekin University

Department of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Çankırı, Türkiye

Zehra Gülten Yalçın, Çankırı Karatekin University

Department of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Çankırı, Türkiye

Fatma Jale Gülen , YTÜ University

Department of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Faculty,  İstanbul, Türkiye


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How to Cite

Başataç , R., Yalçın, Z. G., & Gülen , F. J. (2023). Investıgation of Drying Methods of Tarhana Produced in Çankırı Region by Taguchi Method. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 7(4), 210–216.


