Z and alpha generation teaching methods: digitalization of learning material

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  • Norbert Annuš J. Selye University
  • Ondrej Takáč J. Selye University
  • Iveta Štempeľová Masaryk University
  • Daniel Dancsa J. Selye University




Digitalization, Education, Interactive, Modelling, Innovation


Digitalization is an emerging and inevitable part of everyday life and this also applies to education. The static learning material belongs to the multitude. Increasingly widespread artificial intelligence and other innovative technologies are facilitating the roll-out of personalized curricula and interactive learning materials. The trend in education is towards digitalisation and the appropriate use of information communication tools. Our research explores the importance, advantages and emerging disadvantages of digital learning materials. Furthermore, as a result of a quantitative survey of students, it is based on the interactive digitisation of learning materials using virtual models. Pupils, regardless of their level of education, demand digital learning materials and the use of information and communication tools in class, as Generation Z and Alpha are growing up with these tools. Educational establishments should therefore not restrict or prohibit the use of these tools, but should find ways of effectively integrating them into the classroom. Our aim is to motivate educators to increasingly complement traditional paper-based static learning materials with interactive digital learning materials. We have also worked to create interactive three-dimensional models for students to motivate and explore within the biology subject to support the teaching process. In summary, our article points out the importance of a certain degree of digitalisation of curricula and presents a model for possible future developments in contrast to static learning materials. 


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Author Biographies

Norbert Annuš, J. Selye University

Department of Informatics, Slovakia

Ondrej Takáč, J. Selye University

Department of Informatics, Slovakia

Iveta Štempeľová, Masaryk University

University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice, Slovakia;  Czech Republic

Daniel Dancsa, J. Selye University

Department of Biology, Slovakia


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How to Cite

Annuš, N., Takáč, O., Štempeľová, I., & Dancsa, D. (2023). Z and alpha generation teaching methods: digitalization of learning material. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 7(4), 224–229. https://doi.org/10.59287/ijanser.704


