Unlocking Success in IT: A Systematic Exploration of Soft and Hard Skills and Their Collaborative Dynamics across Information Technology Roles

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  • Norbert Forman Budapest Business School
  • Mihály Szilárd Avornicului Budapest Business School
  • Szabó László Budapest Business School




Information Technology Roles, Soft Skills, Hard Skills, Collaborative Dynamics, Skill Development


The ability to identify and develop critical soft and hard skills is paramount for professionals seeking to excel in the Information Technology (IT) industry. A groundbreaking and systematic exploration of the essential soft and hard skills required for various IT roles is presented in this paper, along with a discussion of how collaborative dynamics influence their interconnection. In this study, we propose a novel model that explains the intricate relationships between these skills and how they impact performance within and across IT roles, based on a comprehensive analysis of existing literature, in-depth interviews with industry experts, and a large-scale survey of IT professionals.

Our findings indicate distinct soft and hard skill requirements for each IT role, emphasizing the importance of a well-rounded skill set for effective collaboration and synergy. Moreover, our research reveals the dynamic nature of the IT sector, indicating a growing need for professionals who are capable of adapting and growing their skills as technology advances.

As IT professionals, educators, and organizations strive to understand and develop the skills necessary to succeed in the industry, the proposed model serves as a valuable resource. Furthermore, our findings contribute to the ongoing discourse regarding the future of work in IT, providing insights into the evolving nature of skills and roles, as well as the critical connections that drive innovation and progress.


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Author Biographies

Norbert Forman, Budapest Business School

Faculty of Finance and Accountancy, Hungary

Mihály Szilárd Avornicului , Budapest Business School

Faculty of Finance and Accountancy, Hungary

Szabó László, Budapest Business School

Faculty of Finance and Accountancy, Hungary


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How to Cite

Forman, N., Avornicului , M. S., & László, S. (2023). Unlocking Success in IT: A Systematic Exploration of Soft and Hard Skills and Their Collaborative Dynamics across Information Technology Roles. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 7(4), 246–252. https://doi.org/10.59287/ijanser.708


