Digital tools in education

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  • Daniel Dancsa J. Selye University
  • Iveta Štempeľová Masaryk University
  • Ondrej Takáč J. Selye University
  • Norbert Annuš J. Selye University



Digital Technology, Student, Education, Learning


Over the past decades, the demands placed on education systems have changed. Workers in the labour market need certain competences such as technical, methodological, social and personal competences. The aim of education today is to create a new educational paradigm that prepares the workforce of the future for the new challenges. This change is accompanied by the introduction of new didactic concepts such as blended learning, which combines the advantages of face-to-face and online learning with the use of digital teaching tools that can help develop the desired competences. The pandemic has led to a huge and rapid increase in the use of digital tools in education, which has necessitated the development of guidelines for their use. Therefore, the aim of this work is to present the digital tools that have been introduced into education and that require the development of digital competences by students and teachers, thus enabling teachers and managers of educational institutions to take advantage of the use of digital tools in the post-pandemic renewed situation.


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Author Biographies

Daniel Dancsa, J. Selye University

Department of Biology, Slovakia

Iveta Štempeľová , Masaryk University

University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice, Czech Republic

Ondrej Takáč, J. Selye University

Department of Informatics, Slovakia

Norbert Annuš, J. Selye University

Department of Informatics, Slovakia


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How to Cite

Dancsa, D., Štempeľová , I., Takáč, O., & Annuš, N. (2023). Digital tools in education. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 7(4), 289–294.


