An Improved Multi-Pulse Rectifier Circuit for Input Current Harmonic Suppression Using Passive Devices

Multi-Pulse Rectifier, Pulse-Tripling Circuit, Phase Shifting Transformer, Harmonic Reduction, Power QualityAbstract
Renewable energy resources, such as solar and wind, are increasingly being integrated into power systems to promote sustainable and clean energy generation. However, the intermittent nature of these resources poses challenges in terms of harmonics, power factor and power quality. This paper focuses on the use of multi-pulse rectifiers (MPR) as a solution for enhancing the performance and grid integration of renewable energy resources. A novel approach is introduced, combining a phase-shifting transformer that provides a five-phase input to a series of 20-pulse rectifiers with a pulse-tripling circuit (PPTC). By modulating the resultant currents of bridge rectifiers with PPTC, the rectifier’s pulse number is raised from 20 to 60, resulting in enhanced reduction of input current harmonics. The proposed rectifier configuration achieves an input current with an approximate sinusoidal waveform, exhibiting a Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) of less than 4%. The proposed scheme offers several advantages. It is simple, utilizing only passive components without the need for active devices, making it easy to implement, improving the performance of rectifier, ensuring compliance with power quality standards, and enabling reliable operation in medium- and high-voltage electronic systems.
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