Effect of Granulated Slag on the Durability of Compressed Earth Bricks Based of Sulfate-Bearing Soil

Compressed Earth Brick, Granulated Slag, Lime, Mechanical Strength, DurabilityAbstract
This work deals with the problem of stabilizing compressed earth bricks that contain a significant amount of sulphate. The objective of this study is to analyze the effect of the addition of lime-activated granulated slag (GS) on compressed earth bricks (CEB.) based on sulphate-bearing soil to improve its mechanicals resistance and especially its sensitivity to water. In this context, a soil stabilized with an 8% lime content of the dry mix weight and four slag contents (10%, 20%, 30% and 40%) of the weight of the lime was used. The samples were subjected to mechanical strength tests in dry and wet compression and also to durability tests: total absorption, drying / wetting, swelling. The results showed that the addition of granulated slag with lime can improve the mechanical properties and durability of compressed earth bricks based on sulphate soil.
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