The practical possibilities of zoopedagogy and environmental education in education

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  • Daniel Dancsa Department of Biology, J. Selye University, Slovakia, Eszterházy Károly Catholic University, Hungary



Environmental Education, Zoopedagogy, Zoo, Opportunity, Attitude


Zoos have existed since the millennia before BC and have always been designed to entertain a specific audience. Until the 20th century, the showmanship was almost exclusive. However, rapid population growth and the destruction of nature caused by the industrial revolution have drawn attention to the vulnerability and fragility of nature. Zoos, in addition to their showmanship, began to focus more and more on environmental education and training, in order to make the younger generation aware of the diversity of nature and to develop an environmentally conscious attitude. The zoos provide a transfer of knowledge based on experience and experience. This kind of knowledge transfer complements school education by helping to systematise and reinforce what is learned in school. In addition, direct experience and observation have a more lasting effect and thus contribute greatly to healthy emotional development and socialisation. Zoo-education methods include informal and formal tools that enable the zoo-educator to successfully carry out his/her educational activities.


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How to Cite

Dancsa, D. (2023). The practical possibilities of zoopedagogy and environmental education in education. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 7(5), 166–173.