Improved reliability of Electric Vehicle (EV) charging by using multiport triple active bridge (TAB) converter

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  • Asfer Rasool UET Taxila
  • Engr. Muhammad Ahmad Khurshid UET Taxila
  • Tahir Mehmood UET Taxila



Triple Active Bridge Converter, Multiwinding Transformer, Battery Storage System, EV Charging Stations, MATLAB


The integration of battery energy storage systems (BESS) in EV charging stations (ECS) is gaining popularity as a means to achieve better charging rates while also providing the potential for peakdemand shaping. However, the introduction of an extra conversion stage like in dual active bridge (DAB) converter to facilitate the integration of the BESS results in an increase in system losses, size, and cost . The Triple Active Bridge (TAB) converter shows superior performance compared to the Dual Active Bridge (DAB) converter due to its flexible multiport configuration, which facilitates bidirectional power transfer between different sources and loads, hence boosting the flexibility of the system. The architectural design employed in this context aims to minimise the number of conversion stages, hence mitigating losses and optimising the paths for energy transmission. Consequently, the TAB converter emerges as a superior and versatile solution for integrated energy systems (IES). By directly connecting the BESS to one of these ports, a separate DC-DC converter is no longer required to convert energy between the BESS and the main DC bus. Consequently, the power losses incurred by the converter are diminished, resulting in smaller-sized converters and increased system efficiency. This study presents a proposal for a DC/DC multiport converter that enables the integration of battery storage in ECS using a TAB converter, while still meeting the necessary isolation requirements for ECS.


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Author Biographies

Asfer Rasool, UET Taxila

Electrical Engineering department,Pakistan

Engr. Muhammad Ahmad Khurshid, UET Taxila

Electrical Engineering department,  Pakistan

Tahir Mehmood, UET Taxila

Electrical Engineering department,  Pakistan


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How to Cite

Rasool, A., Khurshid, E. M. A., & Mehmood, T. (2023). Improved reliability of Electric Vehicle (EV) charging by using multiport triple active bridge (TAB) converter. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 7(7), 281–289.


