Effects Ofnylon Fiber And Steel Fiber On Compressive Strength, Split Tensile Strength And Flexural Strength Of Concrete
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Nylon Fiber Reinforcedconcrete, Steel Fiber Reinforcedconcrete, Fiber Reinforcement, Compressive Strength, Splitting Tensile Strength, Flexural Strength, Eco-Friendly EnvironmentAbstract
This study investigates the effect of waste nylon fiber (fish wire) and steel fiber addition on
the mechanical properties of concrete. Different samples containing different percentages of nylon
fiber and steel fiber were prepared and subjected to compression, splitting tensile and flexural strength
tests. The results show that the addition of nylon fiber and steel fiber generally improves the
mechanical properties of concrete, such as increase in compressive strength, splitting tensile strength
and flexural strength compared to conventional concrete. Therefore, in this study, 1:2:4 ratio of
concrete was reinforced with nylon and steel fibers were added separately and combined at 1%, 2%
and 3% weight of cement. In this research, nylon and steel fiber is used at length of 25mm and
thickness of 0.6mm and aspect ratio of 41.67. The cubes having size of 6”x 6” x 6”, the cylinder
having 6” diameter and 12” height, the beam having size of 20”x6”x6”, were prepared and cured
properly in curing tank. Results showed that concrete with 1% of nylon fiber, 2% of steel fiber and 2%
of mixed nylon and steel fiber showed a maximum enhancement of the mechanical properties of
concrete compared to the control mix of concrete. The findings demonstrate the ability of nylon fiber
and steel fiber reinforcements to improve the performance and durability of concrete.
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