Translation and Islamophobia: A Double-Edge Sword

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  • Rafika HELAIMIA University of Mohamed Cherif Messadia


Islamophobia, Translation, Limit, Spread, Verses


Prejudice and religious intolerance have become increasingly difficult to ignore in recent times.
This has led to the global spread of conflict, discrimination, and terror, with the Muslim community being
the most affected. Islamophobia is a term commonly associated with this issue. However, it is often
misunderstood and seen as a result of the War on Terror. In reality, it refers to a long-standing religious,
political, and social campaign against Islam and Muslims that dates back to the 7th century. The situation
has only gotten worse in recent times, particularly with the introduction of advanced ICT technological
innovations. These innovations serve as both material and non-material weapons, including translation.
Evolving from its original linguistic purpose to a political one, translation can be a double-edged sword in
the fight against Islamophobia. On one hand, it can perpetuate false assumptions and stereotypes about
Islam, leading to an increase in Islamophobic attitudes. On the other hand, accurate translations have the
power to reduce Islamophobia by raising awareness about the true nature of Islam and the discrimination
faced by Muslim communities. Muslims frequently face discrimination, xenophobia, verbal and physical
abuse, exclusion, and even deportation in Western countries as well as other countries. This paper aims to
clarify the phenomenon of Islamophobia and demonstrate how precise translations can help combat it.


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Author Biography

Rafika HELAIMIA, University of Mohamed Cherif Messadia

Department of English, Soukaharas, Algeria


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How to Cite

HELAIMIA, R. (2024). Translation and Islamophobia: A Double-Edge Sword . International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(2), 691–701. Retrieved from


