A study on the interaction and inhibition effect of some natural compound ligands with the 5p21 cancer receptor

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  • Faik Gökalp Kırıkkale University


5p21, Carvacrol, Capsaicin, Curcumin and Docetaxel


Some spices that we consume with foods in daily life add taste and aroma to meals eaten. These spices are also very important for health. In this study, the interaction of the compounds (Carvacrol,Capsaicin,Curcumin), the main active ingredients in some spices, consumed very frequently in some societies, with 5p21, an important cancer receptor, has been determined by the chemical calculation method, and the interaction points and possible bonds that could be formed at the molecular level has been investigated to elucidate the mechanism.


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Author Biography

Faik Gökalp, Kırıkkale University

Faculty of Education, Science Education, Kırıkkale, Turkey


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How to Cite

Gökalp, F. (2024). A study on the interaction and inhibition effect of some natural compound ligands with the 5p21 cancer receptor . International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(4), 58–63. Retrieved from https://as-proceeding.com/index.php/ijanser/article/view/1820


