Statistical modelling of global communicable diseases in the aspect of demographic, economic, and environmental indicators using generalized linear mixed models with multi-random effects

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  • Neslihan İYİT Selcuk University


Generalized Linear Model, Generalized Linear Mixed Model, Random Effect, Logit, Probit, Cloglog, Cauchit Link Function, Communicable Disease, Disability-Adjusted Life Years


Communicable diseases are infectious diseases that can spread from person to person every year, causing the death of hundreds of thousands of people and significantly threatening public health. Disability adjusted life years (DALYs) is an important criterion measuring the years of life lost by a person due to a negative situation such as illness, injury or infectious diseases, and the quality of life. In this study, the relationships between DALYs from communicable diseases and countries’ income levels, urbanization, net immigration rate, median age, forest area, and human development index (HDI) for 187 countries from six continents in 2019. Four generalized linear models and twelve generalized linear mixed models (both GLMs and GLMMs) having binomial distribution with different random effects such as countries, continents, and both of them under “logit”, “probit”, “cloglog”, and “cauchit” link functions are used for modelling DALYs data in the global aspect of population and demographic change, and also economic, development, and environmental indicators. As a result of sixteen modelling, GLMM having binomial distribution with country and continent-random effects under “logit” link function is detected as the best fitted model according to information criteria as AIC with 100.766, AICc with 102.870, BIC with 142.770, and CAIC with 155.770. According to these statistical findings, it has been detected that increases in urbanization and net immigration rates have a positive effect on DALYs from communicable diseases, while increases in countries' income levels, median age, forest area, and HDI have a negative effect.


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Author Biography

Neslihan İYİT, Selcuk University

Statistics Department, Faculty of Science, Konya, Turkiye


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How to Cite

İYİT, N. (2024). Statistical modelling of global communicable diseases in the aspect of demographic, economic, and environmental indicators using generalized linear mixed models with multi-random effects . International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(4), 96–112. Retrieved from


