Performance Comparison of Deep Learning-based Models on Breast Cancer Detection

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  • Zekeriya Anil GUVEN İzmir Bakircay University
  • Kübra AKKAYA İzmir Bakircay University
  • Sultan SARIZEYBEK İzmir Bakircay University


Breast Cancer, Deep Learning, Mammogram, Cancer Diagnosis, Early Detection


Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer among women and early detection can significantly reduce mortality rates. Traditional methods such as mammography can have difficulties in detecting small and benign tumors and increase the risk of misdiagnosis. This study utilizes artificial intelligence technologies for early detection of breast cancer. Because of this, it uses deep learning models to analyze data from established imaging technologies such as mammography, MRI, and ultrasound, and improved diagnostic accuracy is demonstrated. As a result of the experimental results using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), EfficientNet, ResNet, and DenseNet models, the highest success rate was achieved in the CNN model with an accuracy of 84.5%. As a result, this study aims to support and accelerate the process of doctors' evaluation of patients by creating a model with high accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity rates from deep learning models. This will allow diagnosis to become more efficient and accessible while aiming to reduce medical errors and early diagnosis.


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Author Biographies

Zekeriya Anil GUVEN, İzmir Bakircay University

Department of Computer Engineering,Turkey

Kübra AKKAYA, İzmir Bakircay University

Department of Computer Engineering, Turkey

Sultan SARIZEYBEK, İzmir Bakircay University

Department of Computer Engineering,Turkey


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How to Cite

GUVEN, Z. A., AKKAYA, K., & SARIZEYBEK, S. (2024). Performance Comparison of Deep Learning-based Models on Breast Cancer Detection. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(4), 185–192. Retrieved from


