More Than Just Hooligans: Exploring Football Fandom Of The Malaysian Football Fans

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  • Mok Sew Kuen University of Tunku Abdul Rahman


Fandom, Fidelity, Fans, Social Identity, Para-Social Relationship


This study explores the significance of social identity theory in explaining the routine and habitual processes of fans' lives in becoming football fans. Football fans’ personal characteristics and experiences relate to one another and strengthen their identity through identification, association, and affiliation within the group. Enhancing an understanding of the fans and essential connections between fandom, fidelity, and football is paramount to further understanding how fandom is practised and leads to understanding how fandom works. Meanwhile, the Malaysia Super League offers an exciting platform to examine fans' mundane experiences watching and supporting football. Through focus group analysis, general psychographics of football fans, their fandom patterns and practice will be identified, and at the same time, explore how fandom and fidelity are created. The results support that football fans attain vicarious achievements by being identified as loyal fans. The more identified a football fan is, the more likely they will find ways to demonstrate their fandom and fidelity publicly, for example, attending live matches at the stadium, wearing the jersey, and purchasing the branded merchandise of the club.


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Author Biography

Mok Sew Kuen, University of Tunku Abdul Rahman

Department of Journalism, Faculty of Arts and Social Science, Malaysia


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How to Cite

Kuen, M. S. (2024). More Than Just Hooligans: Exploring Football Fandom Of The Malaysian Football Fans. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(4), 340–348. Retrieved from


