Classification of Leaf Images with CNN and RF

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  • Rıfat Aşlıyan Aydın Adnan Menderes University


Leaf Categorization, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, CNN, RF, Artificial Neural Networks


Agricultural production in a country highly decreases by infecting pests to the agricultural plants. Today, in general, an agricultural engineer or a farmer tries to detect plant diseases by checking the plant leaves, but this process is very hard and time-consuming because of harsh environmental conditions. Instead of this, leaf images of plants can be controlled by drones automatically, and diseased plants can be detected. In this work, leaf images have been categorized as diseased and healthy leaves using Convolutional Neural Networks and Random Forests. The leaf data set which consists of healthy and diseased RGB leaf images has been divided into a train data set and a test data set. The systems with Convolutional Neural Networks and Random Forest classifiers have been trained in the train set. Convolutional Neural Networks include feature maps and classification operations, but in feature maps, convolution, batch normalization, ReLU, and max pooling operations are performed. For the Random Forest classifier, the training features are obtained and trained from the feature map of the Convolutional Neural Network. After the training stage, the trained models detect the diseased and healthy leaf images in the leaf image test set. For the evaluation of the systems, the accuracy and F1-score metric values of the models have been computed, and they have been compared with each other.


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Author Biography

Rıfat Aşlıyan, Aydın Adnan Menderes University

Department of Mathematics, Science Faculty, Türkiye


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How to Cite

Aşlıyan, R. (2024). Classification of Leaf Images with CNN and RF. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(4), 473–480. Retrieved from


