Importance of Information and Network Security: Evaluation within the Scope of Business

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  • Ayşenur ERDİL İstanbul Medeniyet University


Business, Information Security, Security network


From past to present, security has played an important role in every aspect of life. With the rapid
development of computer technology, different problems and solutions have emerged in the field of
security. Previously, organizations and companies only had their own local networks, but due to the need
for communication between these organizations, networks have expanded further and security has become
very important in parallel. Security has emerged to prevent external attacks or damages caused by user
errors on these computer networks, wired, wireless networks and the internet used by organizations.
Wireless networks provide significant advantages thanks to various benefits such as easy use and flexibility.
However, they also have several disadvantages compared to a wired network. Security risks are at the top
of these disadvantages. In order to ensure that the security of this network, which emerges entirely from the
requirements, is provided correctly, it is necessary to evaluate, analyze and analyze the information security
risks of network policies. This analysis and evaluation is done according to certain criteria. Accordingly,
in this research, in the light of these criteria, evaluations, network security policies, determination and
analysis of information security risks related to security policies are included in the direction of providing
network security for businesses and institution


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Author Biography

Ayşenur ERDİL, İstanbul Medeniyet University

Faculty of Political Sciences, Turkey


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How to Cite

ERDİL, A. (2024). Importance of Information and Network Security: Evaluation within the Scope of Business. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(5), 172–182. Retrieved from


