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Customer Delight, Customer Security, The Need Of Security, Customer Experience, Delighting CustomerAbstract
Telecommunication is one of the leading industry in Malaysia. Telekom Malaysia as the leader
and service provider in this industry besides Maxis and Celcom. This study focuses on Unify services
which provide land line services for household. Delighting customer has been the upmost priority of
Telekom Malaysia , while the customer’s have the needs which are (i) needs of justice , (ii) needs of security
and (iii) needs of self esteem as according to Schneider and Bowen (1999) that needed to be fulfilled in
order for the customer to be delighted. Hence this study focuses on analysing the relationship these needs
and customer delight with mediating variable of customer experience. for the purpose of this study only the
need of security will studies.The objectives of the study is (i)To determine the relationship of the needs of
security on customer experience towards customer delight, , (ii)To examine the mediating role of customer
experience on the relationship between the needs of security and and customer delight. . The finding shows
that all domains showed a high and quality reliability analysis outcome with Cronbach`s alpha of more than
0.70. Besides, the factor analysis has recorded that the customer delight was significantly influenced by the
needs of security as a full mediation, More research are needed in studying the needs of customer and
customer delight.
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