Extending Math and Coding Education Beyond the Classroom: Projects, assignments, and independent research

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  • Robert Kosova University “A. Moisiu” Durrës
  • Zenel Sina University “A. Moisiu” Durrës
  • Rinela Kapçiu University “A. Moisiu” Durrës
  • Anna Maria Kosova SOC Analyst


Classroom, Math, Coding, Education, Research, Projects, Assignment


Mathematics education traditionally focuses on teaching students’ fundamental concepts and problem-solving techniques within the confines of the classroom. Homework assignments typically involve practicing problems from the textbook or applying learned methods to new problems. However, extending math homework beyond these traditional exercises—by incorporating research, collection, and proofs of theorems, preferably the classic ones offer students a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts and their historical context. This approach not only enriches their learning experience but also fosters critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and a genuine appreciation for mathematics. This article explores the benefits and strategies for extending math, algorithms and coding education through these methods, highlighting how they contribute to a more comprehensive and meaningful learning experience.


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Author Biographies

Robert Kosova, University “A. Moisiu” Durrës

Department of Mathematics. Albania.

Zenel Sina, University “A. Moisiu” Durrës

Department of Pedagogy. Albania.

Rinela Kapçiu, University “A. Moisiu” Durrës

Department of Computer Science. Albania.

Anna Maria Kosova, SOC Analyst



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How to Cite

Kosova, R., Sina, Z., Kapçiu, R., & Kosova, A. M. (2024). Extending Math and Coding Education Beyond the Classroom: Projects, assignments, and independent research . International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(7), 268–273. Retrieved from https://as-proceeding.com/index.php/ijanser/article/view/1996


