Ground Response Analysis and Seismic Behavior Assessment Using SPTN Values

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  • Iqbal Khan University of Engineering and technology
  • Hammad Raza University of Engineering and Technology
  • Shahrukh Abbas University of Engineering and Technology


Ground Response Analysis, Seismic Risk Assessment, Site Amplification, Standard Penetration Test, Soil-Structure Interaction


In the city of Islamabad, a thorough examination into one-dimensional equivalent linear
ground response was methodically performed. This thorough investigation was carried out with special
attention to the city's distinctive geological features using the DEEPSOIL software in a methodical
manner. Notably, the analysis avoided the influence of the groundwater table in Favor of the more general
seismic factors that control ground response dynamics. Subsoil data for input were acquired from a
combination of laboratory and field research and were chosen based on site-specific conditions. The
investigations were carried out at a bedrock site 13 meters below ground level. Following evaluations
with the USCS, the soil at the location was classified as silty clay to lean clay. This classification is the
result of extensive field and laboratory research. In the study, a set of eight unique accelerograms were
carefully chosen and used at the bedrock layer, perfectly coinciding with the seismic characteristics
unique to the target geographic location. Surprisingly the study of surface response spectra revealed a
significant amplification phenomenon that was present across all seven possible accelerograms and
deviated just slightly from the fundamental period inherent to the site. The study's conclusions indicated
that the computed spectral acceleration values, which notably fell within the range of 0.16g to 0.24g,
surpassed the requirements established by the Pakistan Building Code.


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Author Biographies

Iqbal Khan, University of Engineering and technology

Civil Engineering, Taxila

Hammad Raza, University of Engineering and Technology

Civil Engineering, Taxila

Shahrukh Abbas, University of Engineering and Technology

Civil Engineering, Taxila


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How to Cite

Khan, I., Raza, H., & Abbas, S. (2024). Ground Response Analysis and Seismic Behavior Assessment Using SPTN Values. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 7(10), 58–66. Retrieved from


