k-Step Viterbi Algorithm with Discrete Control for Tracking an Unknown Number of Targets

Target Tracking, Hidden Markov Models, k-Step Viterbi Algorithm, k-Step DCS, Multiple Target Tracking, OptimizationAbstract
This study is related to the development of the Viterbi algorithm for finding the most likely path to reach an uncertain number of targets. In this context, the Viterbi algorithm is enhanced to perform future best path calculations more accurately using a symbolic approach to discrete control synthesis within the framework of optimization for the K-step. The results of this work combine the guarantees of safety offered by discrete control synthesis with the optimization, ensuring that the path calculation yields the optimal value, representing the best path. The accuracy of our results is substantiated by an illustrative case study, demonstrating the superiority of our approach over the standard Viterbi algorithm. Specifically, our findings showcase that the proposed algorithm not only ensures the desired system behavior but also provides the optimal path value, outperforming the conventional Viterbi algorithm.
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