Behavior Analysis of Oil in Distribution Transformers Under Operating Conditions

Distribution Transformers, Transformer Oil, Oil Tests, Breakdown Voltage, Tans, Color TestsAbstract
Transformers are one of the devices that have a critical importance in the power system network in reaching the end consumer of alternating current electrical energy produced in power plants. It is a device used to convert the quantities of electrical energy. As a basic working principle, it is an electrical machine used to convert the voltage level by magnetic induction without changing the frequency. During the transmission of electrical energy from power plants to the end consumer, voltage transformation and power losses occur in the lines. In this study, transformer oil tests were used to reveal the behavior of 10 1600 kVA transformers in an industrial facility under operating conditions. The test results of oil samples taken from transformers in 2022 and 2024 were evaluated and analyzed comparatively. The behavior of transformer oils was examined under operating conditions. The effect of operating conditions on transformer oil was evaluated and the behavioral characteristics of the oil were revealed.
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